Sanctity of Human Life Sunday

January 19, 2025

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Sanctity of Human Life Video

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Many people are unaware of the true impact abortion has had on our nation and our community.

Sanctity of Human Life Sunday is observed each year on the Sunday closest to the anniversary of Roe v. Wade.  It is a day that we observe with believers across the nation whose hearts are grieved by the tragedy of abortion.

Giving Hope

Together for Life

If we honored each baby aborted since 1973 with a moment of silence, we would be silent for over 100 years.

Additional Resources

At First Care, our clinics are the voice of hope and compassion to hurting women facing an unplanned pregnancy.  Our hope and prayer is that every unborn baby be given the gift of life.

The resources below will help you to share the message of life on Sanctity of Human Life Sunday.  The following includes links to written resources, information, and short videos.  Thank you for being a champion for life in our community!

  1. Check out the personal stories from our Testimonials.
  2. Our website has other great resources here.
  3. Check out how your church can partner with us, click here.
  4. Get involved with First Care through our Events.